
Already have a login?
Go to to sign in on your computer or start using the app on your smartphone! 

Need more information about how Realm works?

We are excited for you to get connected to Realm which offers a variety of opportunities to support the way you are involved in our church. It will make it easier for our church family to connect with each other, keep up with what’s going on, and grow as a connected community.

Everyone in our church gets a unique profile. Your profile contains everything you want people in our church to know about you. Your profile also enables you to join a group, track your giving, update your contact information, change family details, set notification preferences, or add a family photo.

Scroll down to follow the 5 steps for creating your Realm loginOnce you have created your login on your desktop, you can download Realm Connect on your smartphone to stay connected! Check out the video below if you need help downloading the app to your smartphone. 

5 Steps to Creating a Login in Realm

Step 1: Check Your Email and Activate your Profile

If you have an email address on file with the church, you should have received an email message from First Presbyterian Church inviting you to join Realm, our online community. Open the email and follow the instructions to create your password. Then watch for a verification email, and follow the instructions to activate your profile.

If you do not receive an email invitation and know that you have a valid email address on file with the church, please check your spam/junk folder. If the email invitation isn’t there, or if you haven’t given the church an email address, email .

Step 2: Log in to Realm

After you have activated your profile, you can login to Realm. You will find this link on the home page of the website. It is recommended that you bookmark the link in the internet browser you more frequently use.

Step 3: Check Your Contact Information and Privacy Settings

After you have logged in, click on the arrow next to your name in the upper right corner of your profile screen. Select “My Profile” to check the information on Realm about you and your privacy settings. Click on “Edit Profile” to change your contact information.

To see your privacy settings, click on “Manage Privacy.” We urge everyone over 18 to choose “Everyone in our church.” Other Realm users in the church will be able to see your email and home address, phone number, birthday (month and day, not year), marital status, and the names of members of your household. If you prefer to keep certain information private, you can choose one of the other options.

Parents: To comply with our Safe Conduct Policy, privacy settings of children under 18 are set to “Only the Church Staff” and should not be changed.

Step 4: Change Your Email Settings

Click on the arrow next to your name in the upper right corner of your profile screen. Select “Email Settings.” Select “New posts only” or “All posts and replies.”

Step 5: Upload a Photo of Yourself

In a church as large as ours, connecting a name with a face helps us get to know each other. Please add a headshot that shows your face clearly. To upload a photo from your computer, click on the circle containing your initials.

Realm FAQ's

If you do not find the answer you are looking for below, contact FPC’s Director of Administration Kendra Crabtree.

I have not received an email invitation from Realm. Why?

Make sure your email provider has not spammed or blocked the email:

  • Check your Spam folder.
  • Add to your address book/contacts list.
  • Google “how to whitelist an email address” for your specific domain (i.e. Google, AOL, Yahoo, etc) and follow those instructions to whitelist the above email.
  • Be sure to be use the latest version of Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari (Realm will not work with Internet Explorer).

The church office may not have an email address for you or may have an incorrect email address. Contact Kendra Crabtree, Director of Administration to ensure the information is up to date. If you still have not received the invitation, email

I got an email invitation but I am having trouble activating my profile.

Initially, it is best to activate your profile using a PC or laptop. Sometimes using a mobile device such as your phone or iPad will ask for an activation code (which isn’t related to Realm) but inherent to the device you are using.

Why am I still getting reminders from Realm to set up an account when I have already done so?

This happens when both spouses have the same email address included with their profiles. One spouse might have received the Realm invitation and activated an account. The other spouse will continue to get “invited” via the same email address that is associated with that profile. You can resolve this by:

  • Contacting the Director of Administration and give a different email address for the spouse. Their profile will be updated and a new Realm invitation sent so they can activate their own profile.
  • If you just want one family account (which is perfectly fine!), contact the office to indicate your wishes and the Realm reminder be removed which will stop the reminder email from occurring. If in the future, the spouse wants to set up their own profile, just notify the office of the new email address and an invitation will be generated.
What about privacy? How do I change my privacy settings?

Your information is your information.

  1. You have complete control over who can see your contact and personal information.
  2. Contact information is never public or searchable on the Internet. Any information you elect to make visible to your church family is always protected behind a login.
  3. Authorized staff will always have access to your profile information.
  4. You and certain authorized staff may update your profile information.
  5. For safety reasons, sharing contact and personal information for children under 18 is limited. Parents determine whether or not to display their child’s name in the church directory.
  6. Children under 13 may not participate and will not be able to sign in.

What People May See

By default, the viewing of your contact and personal information is limited to members of groups you are in, group leaders, and staff members. If you choose to, however, you can make your information visible to the entire church. But if you prefer to be more private, you can customize how people see specific information:

  • Contact Information: Name, Address, Phones, and Email.
  • Personal Information: Marital Status, Family Position, Member Status, but you also have the option of sharing your birthday, gender, allergy information, and skills with people in your church.

To check your privacy settings, click on the arrow next to your name in the upper right corner of your screen (or "More" in the app). Then click "Manage Privacy." If you prefer to keep certain information private, you can choose one of the other options.

*If you are a group leader or host an event, certain contact information may be visible regardless of the settings you choose.

Privacy Setting Options

  • Everyone—Like a church directory listing, everyone in our church will be able to see whatever profile information is marked as visible to everyone.
  • My Groups + Group Leaders + Church Staff—This setting means information will only be shared with the people you are involved with at church. This is the default setting.
  • Group Leaders + Church Staff—You would use this setting if you wanted to keep some profile information hidden from anyone who is not a group leader or on staff.
  • Church Staff Only—This setting effectively removes you from the church directory. Your information will only be available to authorized church staff.**
  • Custom Privacy—Choose different privacy levels for specific contact fields and personal information. You can do this in two places: when you edit your profile information or when you manage your privacy settings.***

**While you can hide the majority of your information from most of your church, you should know that, regardless of your settings, contact data will still be visible to certain members of our church staff.

***The Directory page shows all individuals who have a login, along with individuals without a login who have been opted-in to the directory. Currently, individuals with a login cannot opt out of being listed in the directory.

Family Privacy

A family member with a primary position such as "Adult (Primary Contact)" or "Adult" can change privacy settings for other members of the family and opt family members into the church directory. Birthdays are required for children (as a means to prohibit access), but it’s up to you if you want to share the birth date with your church family. Privacy settings for children under 18 years of age are set to "Only the church staff."

Should I upload a photo to my profile?

Yes, please! With a church our size it is helpful to connect names and faces. Headshots are the best. To upload a photo from your computer, on your Realm profile page, click on the circle containing your initials.

How do I remove my adult children that no longer live at home but are showing up in my profile?

You can modify/edit some personal information on your profile but you can’t delete anything. To deactivate those family members that no longer live at home, please contact the church office to update your family profile.

How do I access the online directory through Realm?

You can access the directory on a desktop or laptop computer by signing in to your Realm account and clicking “Directory” in the menu column on the left.

You can access the church directory through the Realm Connect app on the phone by clicking on the magnifying glass in the upper right of the NEWS page.

Remember that only members who have created a Realm account AND updated their privacy to “Everyone in the church” will have their information available in the directory.

Can I give to the church online? Can I see what I have given?

YES! You can give through our giving page or directly set up one-time gifts or recurring gifts through your Realm account.

You can see a history of your giving or make any changes through your Realm account. Just login to your account and click giving in the left hand column.

NOTE: No one except you and appropriate staff has the ability to view your giving information. If you have questions about any of the giving information, please contact Carolyn Wright.