Funerals & Memorial Services

Just as the church embraces us in our baptism and throughout our Christian life, so it should embrace us in our death and in our hope of resurrection to eternal life.

The resurrection is a central doctrine of the Christian faith and shapes Christians’ attitudes and responses to the event of death. In the face of death Christians affirm with tears and joy the hope of the gospel. Christians do not bear bereavement in isolation but are sustained by the power of the Spirit and the community of faith. The church offers a ministry of love and hope to all who grieve.

-Book of Order, Directory for Worship

Because it can be difficult, under emotional stress, to plan wisely, we encourage members to discuss and plan in advance the arrangements which will be necessary at the time of death, including those decisions about the Christian options of burial, cremation, or donation for medical purposes. We also offer a Final Gift Workshop, an opportunity to think about end of life and make plans – contact Ashtyn Bratt if you are interested. These plans should provide for arrangements which are simple, which bear witness to the resurrection hope, and in which the Christian community is central (Book of Order, Directory for Worship).

With prior consideration and planning, family members can be relieved of some difficult decisions, and take comfort in know they are incorporating into this service of worship the desires of their loved one.

Memorial Services

Click here to read detailed information about memorial services and funerals at First Presbyterian Church. 

Memorial Garden

The purchase of a spot in the memorial garden is available for church members. Please fill out this submittable form and the church office will follow up with you.