Fellowship At First: "Wake Up To Wonder" with Author Karen Wright Marsh

Presbyterian Women

Come out and meet Karen Wright Marsh, author of Wake Up to Wonder: 22 Invitations to Amazement in the Everyday. She will discuss her book and the invitation to experience the amazement that is available to us every day.

Why chase wonder? If wonder is simply blissed-out happiness, how can we justify the pursuit of wonder while neighbors around the globe suffer and, close to home, our own personal relationships break down, health fails, jobs dissolve? Karen Wright Marsh, author of Wake Up To Wonder: 22 Invitations to Amazement in the Everyday, turns to the wisdom of older Christian sisters and brothers Howard Thurman, Lilias Trotter, Hildegard von Bingen and Thomas Merton – and discovers that the experience of wonder is, in fact, one of God’s greatest gifts, created for each one of us.

Karen serves as executive director of Theological Horizons, a ministry centered at the University of Virginia that supports believers & seekers by providing a welcoming community for engaging faith, thought & life.

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