Back-to-School Supply Drive
Help provide the items needed for a successful school year for the students and teachers of Henry Marsh Elementary, Martin Luther King Middle, and the Armstrong Leadership Program. Drop off donations in the green cart inside the porte cochere doors from July 28 - August 18 on Sundays or Mondays - Thursdays 9-4 pm.
School supplies needed:
- 1 - 5 Subject Notebooks
- 3-Ring Binders (1-2 inch)
- Blunt Tip Scissors
- Clorox Sanitizing wipes
- Color Pencils
- Composition Notebooks
- Construction Paper
- Crayola Crayon
- Crayon Box
- Dividers
- Glue Sticks
- Hand Sanitizer
- Highlighters
- Index Cards (3x5)
- Loose Leaf paper (wide rule)
- Pencils
- Pencil Pouches/Box
- Pens (blue or black)
- 2 Pocket Folders
- Tissues
Teacher Supplies
- Dry-Erase Markers & Erasers
- Electric pencil sharpeners
- Staplers
- Staples
- Manila Folders
- Rubber Bands
- Ziplock Bags (sandwich, quart & gallon)