Baptisms & Weddings


The sacrament of baptism is the sign and seal of the covenant God has made with us in Jesus Christ. Our Christian identity begins in baptism, and in this sacrament we are marked forever as Christ's own. Baptism assures us of our cleansing from sin, of our participation in Christ's death and resurrection, and of our welcome into the household of God. We gladly celebrate the baptism of infants, youth and adults in our worship services. For more information, please contact Ashytn Bratt, Executive Admin Assistant. We invite parents to join us for a discussion of Baptism prior to setting a date.


“Marriage is a gift God has given to all humankind for the well-being of the entire human family” 
PCUSA Book of Order

The use of the church’s sanctuary and chapel has been approved by the session for a marriage ceremony for any member of FPC, regardless of gender and/or sexual orientation. Couples who wish to be married at FPC are encouraged to contact the church office well in advance of their intended wedding date and to familiarize themselves with the church’s policy and guidelines.

At First Presbyterian our ministers and staff want your wedding to be a holy and happy event that you and your families will cherish and find meaningful. We welcome the opportunity to join you in your plan to establish a Christian home, and we hope your wedding day will be a joyful beginning of that commitment.

Weddings at First Presbyterian Church are reserved for members of First Presbyterian or those who have a substantive relationship with this congregation as demonstrated through attendance, participation, giving and service. Weddings are one dimension of a comprehensive ministry at First Presbyterian and are understood to be for those who participate in our larger mission as a congregation. Subject to denominational guidance (see current guidance here) and applicable law, the Wedding Committee and the Session will exercise their discretion in applying this policy, but in doing so will not consider race, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability or other similar characteristics.

As with our other worship services, weddings at First Presbyterian Church are an opportunity to glorify God. FPC maintains guidelines regarding decorations, music and photography (still and video), which are outlined in a booklet given to you by the wedding coordinator. A FPC minister, music director, and wedding director will help plan your wedding.

First Presbyterian does not schedule weddings on Sundays, holidays, during Holy Week, or during Thanksgiving weekend or the month of December. At the earliest possible time, contact Ashytn Bratt, Executive Admin Assistant, who will set up a time to talk about your plans with a pastor. Please do not make any firm plans until you have cleared a date on the church calendar.